My Get Healthy Today is inspired from my participating in Natural Remedies to heal my body. It is just an information platform I keep discovering as I pursue and explore my passion for being healthy in all areas of my life. I am sharing with people who might be going through the same issues in transforming their health. It would be great if some of you might be interested in contributing so we can expand this attempt globally,

Without in any way undermining the importance of our Doctor prescribed medications, there are many benefits of using natural remedies in particular that most of them don’t appear not to have side effects.

Get Healthy Today by Joniva in London, Uk

Starting from right to left 1. Mr Shoniwa(Accountant) he is Chairperson for group 2. Mr. Moyo (IT Manager) I got him to Manage the Online Workers Initiative Project to get young University graduates in Zimbabwe stop being Street Vendors and make money online 3. Mr Chapanya (Laywer) I got him to be Observer 4. Mr Kanyuchi (Computer Lecturer) I got him to deal with recruiting IT Trainers 5. Handsome Me Joniva (United Nations Computer Expert) Project Advisor 6. Mr Gambe(Quilified Nurse) Project Manager for Get Healthy Today 7. Mr Tafumanei (Social Worker) Project Observer, these 2 last gentleman have health issues and they think being involved in Get Healthy Today will support their on healthy pursuits.